Corporación de la Industria Aeronáutica Colombiana (CIAC, in English: Colombian Aeronautic Industry Corporation) took advantage of Expodenfensa 2017, carried out in Bogota between December 4 and 6, 2017, to launch the certificate of the Fuel Control Repair Shop awarded by Honeywell, client of Houding in Colombia, which was opened on the past November 30, 2017, in the facilities of the Comando Aéreo de Mantenimiento (CAMAN, in English: Maintenance Air Command) of the Colombian Air Force (FAC).
The Repair Shop, which has the capability of DEPOT maintenance of PT6 and RR-C250 engines’ fuel controls, is part of the PEGASO agreement signed by CIAC and CAMAN, and seeks to strengthen capabilities of these Colombian entities and the American Company Honeywell, because it will operate as guarantee and repair station of fuel controls of this brand for Civil aviation and State aviation.
Thereby, Expodefensa 2017 was a very productive event for CIAC, because besides launched the Fuel Control Repair Shop certified by Honeywell, it received certificates from Embraer and Sección de Certificación Aeronáutica de la Defensa (SECAD, in English: Aeronautical Certification Section of Defense) of the Colombian Air Force; signed agreements with everis Aerospace & Defense, Aertec, SAAB and Corporación de Alta Tecnología para la Defensa (CODALTEC, in English: Defense High Technology Corporation); showed its three UAV: Équites, Quimbaya and Atlante II; besides promoted its other capabilities, related to maintenance, modernization and manufacturing of aircrafts and spare parts, before the Military Forces and Ministries of Defense of China, El Salvador, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador and Spain, among other countries.
Image taken from: https://www.ciac.gov.co/